Harnessing the power of shared enjoyment
Course Description
One of the first things all children learn to do is initiate interaction and socially reference people. Typically developing children frequently socially reference or “check-in” with adults in the room. They do this for a number of reasons, a sense of security, gathering information about what is and isn’t okay, securing someone’s attention and more. You’ve already learned about initiating in the social loop lesson, one way people maintain connection is by socially referencing and making eye contact, it’s also one of the primary way’s in which children will initiate or re-initiate interaction. It’s through initiating interaction and using social referencing that Joint Attention and ultimately Shared Enjyoment is born! This is where development really starts to take off! This course takes a look at how to use play to increase child initiated interaction, spontaneous social referencing and eye contact. When you strengthen these skills the natural result is Sharing Enjoyment and Joining Attention.