Evil Dr. Ed Episode 1 “Slip, Slap and Slime”
In this episode of Evil Dr. Ed “The Floating Head”, Dr. Ed is trying to rid the world of a few words, Slip, Slime and Slap!
Dr. Ed needs as many trusted lab assistants as he can get! Will you join him?
- This video targets the S-blend “Sl” and is intended for your child to watch by themselves or with minimal direction from you the parent.
- Make sure your child knows proper tongue placement for the “S” sound before viewing. Click here to watch a brief video on S and Z Tongue Placement
- Listen to them to make sure they are practicing this correctly, after that this is designed to be self directed.
- Play the video for your child. If this is your child’s first time using our videos, watch with them and make sure they are following the prompts.
- You can also use this as a sequencing video by asking your child to share what they saw. Listen for a clear beginning, middle, and end.
- Bonus points for any descriptive language and answering follow up questions.
- Click here for more Evil Dr. Ed episodes