This video is an example of predictable and repetitive sound effects that are designed to encourage vocal imitation. Garbage trucks provide a wide variety…
This is a live-action short film designed by Kim DeLand, M.S., CCC-SLP. This film was designed to help children improve their abilities to sequence…
This video is a great way for your kiddo to improve receptive language skills while watching Waylon play with garbage trucks. This video models…
This video is an example of a simple form of visual and auditory stimulation that is repetitive, structured, and predictable. This video focuses on…
This video is an example of a rich and complex form of sensory stimulation that is designed to encourage verbal imitation. Verbal imitation skills…
This video is an example of a rich and complex form of sensory stimulation that is repetitive, structured, enjoyable and predictable. Why do we…
This video is an example of a rich and complex form of sensory stimulation that is repetitive, structured, enjoyable and predictable. This language song…
This video is an example of a rich and complex form of sensory stimulation that is repetitive, structured, enjoyable and predictable. This video teaches…