The Naked Chef Show Ep. 2 “Rotten Ramen”
The Naked Chef is back and focusing on “R” sounds!
In this ROTTEN episode, the Naked Chef prepares a few different types of ramen for his poor assistant to taste test for him. Chef needs your help convincing him to try it!
Glad I don’t have to do it! Come on let’s all go to the Naked Chef Show!
- Review proper tongue placement before your child watches the video.
- Play the video and watch to see if your child is following the prompts from the Naked Chef. If they are not gently remind them to “help Chef out.”
- If your child enjoyed this video, they may enjoy recreating something like this in their play. You can give your child extra practice by facilitating a silly cooking game involving ingredients beginning with “R”.
- Click here for more Naked Chef Show episodes